

"to write (something) in a hurried, careless way."

  • "Allow people to borrow tools regardless of their personal circumstance. Give all people the confidence, agency and knowledge to engage with DIY and making. Challenge private ownership models through a culture of sharing. in a space where everyone is welcome."

  • "So you have to be - there's a sense in which designing is fundamentally an optimistic activity. You have to stay positive. In spite of all these constraints coming your way, you have to stay positive. Remember, people do design that have no constraints and pick constraints in order to get outcomes. So that optimism can be born of the fact that this works and this is the way to make systems that work. And you want to imagine a ton of things. However, actually designing is about making decisions, which means you try to think up 100 times as many things as you actually use, way more things than you use. - Rich Hickey "

  • "Obligation to himself, the fans, his teammates, his organisation, his family, everybody. If you're going to sit down and take three hours out of your day to watch me on TV. I have an obligation to give you my best. "

  • "Feels like ambiguity is in the thing itself, not in the words. My parents still don’t understand what I do, and “blogging” is opaque to them after 15y. I let them think it’s the kind of consulting they understand as a career — McKinsey style. At some point you have to be willing to be misunderstood for a long time by a lot of people to try new modes of doing."

  • "Design touches on so many things that aren't purely in the realm of the visual it's not just about making things beautiful, but about making things make sense. And so I think that design can really start to take lessons from a lot of different fields and engage in a lot of different fields in a way that makes design a much wider range of practice than it has been in the past. And so, designers increasingly have to have a kind of fluency across a lot of different domains in order to understand the systems that they're working with, and to create the best experiences across those different domains."

  • "“Empathy, pragmatism and creativity are applied to the adventure of hunting and validating ideas — a process that leads to intentional solutions.”"

  • "Every object intentional or not, speaks for who put it there. Every object tells a story if you knew how to read it."

  • "Optimizing time per second is a successful startup team. Opportunity, Nothing else matters."

  • "HCD provides powerful tools that focus upon the needs and capabilities of people, to ensure that the work aims at the root causes of the issues being addressed, not just the symptoms, that it is recognized that all major problems are part of large, complex systems, and because these issues apply to people, organizations, societies, and many different cultures, they must be thoroughly tested through an iterative course of rapid prototyping, testing, and refinement."

  • "Human-centered design (HCD) is a way of thinking, applied to almost any issue: physical projects as well as to virtual ones, to procedures, services, and organizational structures. "

  • "“Get a bike that’s as low to the ground as you can find, put on elbow and knee pads so you’re not afraid of falling, and go.”"

  • "“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” Leonardo da Vinci"

  • "Innovation is the result of processes that slowly take form through observations"

  • "I view UX as the often-invisible bulk of a product and visual/graphic design as the icing on the cake."

  • "Curiosity is a measure of your engagement."

  • "Benjamin Franklin said, "If we take care of the minutes the years will take care of themselves.”"

  • "“What is one concrete risk Al presents within your context”?"

  • ""What else aside from an algorithm could achieve this goal"?"

  • "Fundamental idea from information theory: information is proportional to degree of surprise. The more strongly you expected an answer, the less information it conveyed."

  • "Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral. - "

  • "We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run. - "

  • "We shape our interfaces; thereafter, they shape us. - "

  • "This might not be exactly what you are looking for, but if I met my 19-year-old self I would tell him to invest in becoming virtuous... in the classical meaning of the word. I.e. Develop self-control, discipline, courage, strength, endurance, and mental fortitude. Hold yourself to high standards and always honor your word -- never let yourself down. Build strong relationships and try to keep them, but never at the cost of debasing yourself. If you do this, especially in today's world where everything goes, you will be unstoppable."

  • "The majority of software surveys and research inquiries typically focus on what users desire in a product. Questions like "What feature do you think is missing?" or "If you could add just one thing, what would it be?" center around enhancing the product's appeal. However, there's an overlooked perspective – considering what users don't want. Queries such as "If you could remove one feature, what would it be?" or "What don't you use?" delve into the aspect of elimination. Understanding what impedes users the most can be as crucial as adding new features. Recognizing that more isn't always the solution, sometimes the most valuable service to customers involves deliberate omissions."

  • ""Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning" - Carol Dweck"

  • "Curiosity is a measure of your engagement."

  • "I did things. I didn't do 'em for medals, I didn't do 'em for accolades. I did 'em because... it's what had to be done. - Band of Brothers E01"

  • "There is no one-size-fits-all approach to product development. Different strategies work better in different contexts. Gaining knowledge of various approaches is essential, but the real value lies in understanding when to use them."

  • "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. - Robert Heinlein"

  • "Looking over their shoulders - Programmers' decisions are influenced by emotions and intuition. They visualize the code's structure and compare it to previously encountered patterns. This evaluation helps them determine if the pattern is appealing or unattractive and if the process of writing the code is monotonous or thrilling."

  • "Two good questions for your boss: 1. What am I doing that is useless? 2. What should I do that I’m not doing yet?"

  • "First principles tell us, we should be building a "Google Maps of learning," a "Hinge for mentorship and peer connections," or a "Roblox of professional advancement," as opposed to an "Educational YouTube." These analogies, while not flawless, are directional."

  • "This question of how much of the universe is understood is very much a moving target. Because as we are able to stand in a new place because we learned something new. We then see other wonders that were not even visible to us before. - The Most Unknown"

  • "Being the only designer means: ux copy, visual, ui, interaction, graphic design, marketing, strategy, animation, web, brand, ad, cd, emails, pm, process, framework, leadership, team building, hand-off, community, being in the mix of everything while trying to make it fun"
